
Notifying Speakers

Ready to let your speakers know you'd like them to present their talk at your conference?

It's best to start with the accepted speakers, just in case you need to pull from the rejected speakers bin if anyone backs out. 

Head over to the Accepted Speakers Tab in the Submissions Flow.

Click the "Notify Speakers" Button. You'll be presented with an email template to customize. If you make changes to the template, it will save it for use again if you do another round of notifications (of course you can change it however you want whenever you're sending a new email). 

Once you're happy with the text of your email, click "Notify Speakers" at the bottom and your email will be on it's way. 

Your speaker will get an email, letting them confirm their talk. 

Your speaker will be asked to click the link, giving them the opportunity to confirm that they'll be able to come speak at your conference. 

If they accept, you'll get an email with all of their submission and contact information, so you'll be able to contact them directly to coordinate conference logistics. 

The speaker will now be able to see that their talk has been accepted. 

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