Creating a new call for proposals is a painless process. Once you're logged into PaperCall, click on "My Events" and click on the orange "New Event" button.
On the next page, you'll be asked to pick an event name, upload a logo, and provide all the pertinent details about your event and CFP.
You'll need to include the details about your call for proposals, including when it opens for submissions and when submissions are due. You'll want to specify if you'd like to use an anonymized submission process-this way you won't know who the speaker is until you've "revealed" the submissions. This helps prevent bias from organizers who are rating proposals.
Lastly, you'll want to specify for speakers what sort of support for covering travel expenses they should expect if they're accepted.
And there you have it! Your proposal is ready to share. Click the View Event button and you'll see the page speakers will see when they visit the URL you setup when you set your event slug.